
How to Make Garage Door Airtight?

Making your garage door airtight is an effective way to help create a comfortable and energy-efficient environment in your home. A properly sealed garage door can help keep cool air in during the summer and warm air in during the winter, potentially reducing energy costs. It is also important to protect against moisture, dust, and wind that can damage your garage or other living areas of your home.


In this guide, we’ll provide you with several tips on how to make your garage door airtight. We’ll also explain how to identify and address common sources of air infiltration, such as gaps or cracks in the door. By following these steps, you can ensure that your garage door is properly sealed and provides all the benefits it should.

Let’s get started!

The first step in making your garage door airtight is to check for any gaps or cracks that allow air to leak in and out of the building. Start by inspecting the outside of the door, looking for areas where two sections meet or where the sealant has worn away. If you find any gaps, use caulk and a putty knife to fill them in. It’s important to use a caulk that is specifically designed for outdoor use, as this will provide the best seal.

Next, you should examine your weather stripping. This rubber or vinyl material lines the edges of your garage door and prevents air infiltration. Inspect the weather stripping for any signs of wear or damage and replace it if necessary. You may also want to add additional weather stripping if any gaps need to be filled in.

Finally, you should also check your garage door’s sealant. This is the material that seals off any gaps between the sections of the door. Over time, this material can dry out and crack, allowing air to enter or escape. You can contact an experienced garage door replacement Norfolk to reseal the door, or you can purchase a tube of sealant from a home improvement store and apply it yourself.

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