It is important for customers, amateurs and professionals alike, to know that there are more favorable times than others for online trading.
Depending on the time, the market conditions are not the same and it is these conditions that can define the success or otherwise of a customer as well as their degree of profitability.
Take market hours into account
It can be said that the Forex market is a continuous market. And indeed, the Forex market is open 24 hours, and this is mainly because currency quotes are common in all stock markets. And at all times, there is always a place in the world where currencies are trading, so Forex quotes never stop. And despite this continuity of negotiation, certain moments are more conducive than others at Firmdrex, a latest and high-quality trading platform.
Depending on the time, the hours of two or more stock exchanges may overlap. This occurs during a recovery period.
In terms of the stock market, there are three important geographic areas: the United States with the New York Stock Exchange, Europe with the London Stock Exchange currently considered the most important on the continent, and finally Asia with the Stock Exchanges Tokyo and Sydney.
For best results, some experts advise trading when you have at least 2 seats open at one time.
Therefore, this allows you to take advantage of a more liquid market, thanks to the increased volume of trade. However, these are also times where markets can be highly volatile.
There are two main recovery periods, which are based in Europe:
- Between Europe and Asia from 8 am to 10 am;
- Between Europe and the United States from 2 pm to 6 pm;
- Sydney and Tokyo times are overlapped between 1am and 7am.
To plan a trading session, it is important to choose the pairs that best fit your strategy.
Jerald is a blogger with a passion for technology who has been writing about the latest in the world of gadgets and gizmos. They are an avid reader of Science-Fiction novels and love to spend time with their wife and kids.