A good text must have an introduction, a development (or the middle of the text) and an end.
While your reader reads your text he has two points of attention: the beginning of the article and the end. In these two moments is where you should dedicate yourself more hard, because in the introduction you will make the reader want to read your article until the end and will also explain to him what you are going to talk about and at the end of the article is that you remember what you said and finish your reasoning.
I am not saying that the middle of the article should not be good, but that you must also dedicate yourself to the introduction and finalization of the article. Many people forget this important detail.
In the introduction you must be sincere when describing what you are going to talk about in the article, avoid thinking only in page view. Writing lies at the beginning of the article as if it was sensational and in the middle of the text you don’t really argue is dishonest. In the introduction it is interesting to put links to other articles of your own.
Development (middle part)
In the middle of the text you will put all your ideas. You should seek to argue about what you said you would say in the introduction to the article. Do not leave vague words here for reinforcement at the end of the article, you should always write with great respect for your reader and he expects good arguments here.
When the reader reaches the end of the article, he often does not remember what he read at the beginning or in the middle of the text.
At the end, you should remember the theme of the article and what you would say, reinforce your arguments in the middle of the text and then end with something that reinforces everything you said.
And writing article from start to end, don’t hesitate using rewriting tool.

Jerald is a blogger with a passion for technology who has been writing about the latest in the world of gadgets and gizmos. They are an avid reader of Science-Fiction novels and love to spend time with their wife and kids.